
Research projects

CZ.10.01.01/00/22_001/0000261 - Spa Research Centre
Principal Investigator: Ing. Jan TLUČHOŘ, Ph.D.
Grant awarded by:     ESF
Term:                         2024-2027

101131728 - BEAGLE - Blue Oceans Strategy for Value Creation
Principal Investigator: doc. Ing. Michaela KRECHOVSKÁ, Ph.D.
Grant awarded by:     Horizon Europe - European Commission
Term:                         2024-2026

GA24-12255S - Understanding the behavior in collective action problems: behavioral and experimental approach
Principal Investigator: Ing. Jaromír KOVÁŘÍK, Ph.D.
Grant awarded by:     GA ČR
Term:                         2024-2026

TQ01000074 - Digitization of project management teaching using the concept of serious games, virtual and augmented reality with regard to current business needs
Principal Investigator: doc. Ing. Martin JANUŠKA, Ph.D.
Grant awarded by:     TA ČR
Term:                         2023-2026

TQ01000007 - Young people as actors in the future development of towns and cities
Principal Investigator: doc. RNDr. Jiří JEŽEK, Ph.D.
Grant awarded by:     TA ČR
Term:                         2023-2026

SGS-2024-007 - Transformation of business economics and management through digitalization and sustainability
Principal Investigator: Ing. Eva JELÍNKOVÁ, Ph.D.
Grant awarded by:     ZČU
Term:                         2024-2026

SGS-2024-030 - Research on quantitative approaches for economic problems solving
Principal Investigator: Ing. Zdeněk KRESA
Grant awarded by:     ZČU
Term:                         2024-2026

SGS-2024-031 - Current challenges and trends in the tourism and services sector
Principal Investigator: doc. Ing. Petr JANEČEK, Ph.D.
Grant awarded by:     ZČU
Term:                         2024-2026

CZ.01.01.01/06/23_014/0001333 - Knowledge transfer for product innovation focused on process analysis and optimization
Principal Investigator: doc. Ing. Martin JANUŠKA, Ph.D.
Grant awarded by:     ESF
Term:                         2023-2025

22410207 - Innovation of the education process towards implementing AI tools
Principal Investigator: doc. PaedDr. Ludvík EGER, CSc.
Grant awarded by:     Visegrad Fund
Term:                         2024-2025

SGS-2023-007 - Current Challenges and Problems of Modern Society from the Perspective of Finances and Accounting
Principal Investigator: Ing. Mgr. Jan POKORNÝ
Grant awarded by:     ZČU
Term:                         2023-2025

SGS-2023-003 - Research on selected topics from the field of marketing and management in the context of the development of a digital society in post Covid-19 period
Principal Investigator: doc. PaedDr. Ludvík EGER, CSc.
Grant awarded by:     ZČU
Term:                         2023-2025

TL03000377 - Use of economic and social potential of cultural heritage through educational and touristic products on the example of historic trusses
Principal Investigator: Ing. Jan TLUČHOŘ, Ph.D.
Grant awarded by:     TA ČR
Term:                         2020-2023

SS03010080 - Interdisciplinary approaches to efficient rainwater management on development sites of urban areas in the economic, social and environmental context
Principal Investigator: doc. RNDr. Jan KOPP, Ph.D.
Grant awarded by:     TA ČR
Term:                         2021-2023

TL03000527 - Internal and external peripheries in the regional development of the Czech Republic - from genetic determination to territorial cohesion
Principal Investigator: doc. PaedDr. Jaroslav DOKOUPIL, Ph.D.
Grant awarded by:     TA ČR
Term:                         2020-2023

SGS-2021-009 - Social preferences and dishonesty: experimental approach
Principal Investigator: Ing. Olga MARTINČÍKOVÁ SOJKOVÁ, Ph.D.
Grant awarded by:     ZČU
Term:                         2021-2023

SGS-2021-017 - Innovative and sustainable approaches and methods in business, projects and processes
Principal Investigator: Ing. Eva JELÍNKOVÁ, Ph.D.
Grant awarded by:     ZČU
Term:                         2021-2023

SGS-2021-020 - Changes in Economics and Marketing of Tourism
Principal Investigator: doc. Ing. Petr JANEČEK, Ph.D.
Grant awarded by:     ZČU
Term:                         2021-2023

SGS-2021-032 - Sustainability of Retail in Czech Rural Regions
Principal Investigator: Ing. Hana KUNEŠOVÁ, Ph.D.
Grant awarded by:     ZČU
Term:                         2021-2023

SGS-2021-022 - Financial (stock) markets, modeling and prediction of behavior
Principal Investigator: Ing. Jan BRČÁK
Grant awarded by:     ZČU
Term:                         2021-2023

SGS-2020-026 - Economic and financial transformation in the context of digital society
Principal Investigator: Ing. Alena PALACKÁ, Ph.D.
Grant awarded by:     MŠMT
Term:                         2020-2022

GA19-18080S - Food supply chains: impact of concentration, unfair trade practices, regulations and changing consumer preferences
Principal Investigator: prof. Ing. Ján POKRIVČÁK, M.S., Ph.D.
Grant awarded by:     GA ČR
Term:                         2019-2022

TL02000373 - Optimizing the use of real estate in the municipalities property
Principal Investigator: doc. Ing. Jan PAŠEK, Ph.D.
Grant awarded by:     TA ČR
Term:                         2019-2022

TL02000423 - System of Support for Marketing Decision Making
Principal Investigator: doc. Ing. Petr JANEČEK, Ph.D.
Grant awarded by:     TA ČR
Term:                         2019-2022

SGS-2020-015 - Research in selected areas of management and marketing of organizations in the context of demographic and technological changes
Principal Investigator: doc. PaedDr. Dana EGEROVÁ, Ph.D.
Grant awarded by:     ZČU
Term:                         2020-2022

SVK1-2022-013 - Business Trends 2022
Principal Investigator: Ing. Olga MARTINČÍKOVÁ SOJKOVÁ, Ph.D.
Grant awarded by:     ZČU
Term:                         2022

TL02000060 - Availability of drinking water for the inhabitants of small municipalities as an indicator of the socio - economic development
Principal Investigator: Ing. Pavlína HEJDUKOVÁ, Ph.D.
Grant awarded by:     TA ČR
Term:                         2019-2021

TL02000136 - Knowledge-intensive services sector adaptation to the conditions of Society 4.0
Principal Investigator: prof. Ing. Lilia DVOŘÁKOVÁ, CSc.
Grant awarded by:     TA ČR
Term:                         2019-2021

SGS-2019-007 - Position of companies in the global production network and its impact on regional development and political attitudes of voters
Principal Investigator: Mgr. Martin LEPIČ
Grant awarded by:     ZČU
Term:                         2019-2021

SGS-2019-005 - Social entrepreneurship – a model of sustainable entrepreneurship
Principal Investigator: Ing. Kristýna MACHOVÁ, Ph.D.
Grant awarded by:     MŠMT
Term:                         2019-2020

TL01000110 - The future of a rural area in the Czech Republic: Challenges, visions, development scenarios and adaptation strategies
Principal Investigator: doc. RNDr. Jiří JEŽEK, Ph.D.
Grant awarded by:     TA ČR
Term:                         2018-2020

TL01000498 - Revitalization of urban centres of public spaces in the Czech Republic: problems, inspiration from abroad and possible solutions
Principal Investigator: doc. RNDr. Jiří JEŽEK, Ph.D.
Grant awarded by:     TA ČR
Term:                         2018-2020

TL02000055 - Effective marketing as a tool to ensure the competitiveness and sustainable development of non-profit organizations providing social services
Principal Investigator: doc. Ing. Dita HOMMEROVÁ, Ph.D., MBA
Grant awarded by:     TA ČR
Term:                         2019-2020

TITSMMR702 - Prediction of future challenges of towns and cities with a population of up to 15,000 and foresight of related trends
Principal Investigator: doc. RNDr. Jiří JEŽEK, Ph.D.
Grant awarded by:     TA ČR
Term:                         2018-2020

21830123 - Visegrad Grant - Social media and trust building
Principal Investigator: doc. Ing. Michal MIČÍK, Ph.D.
Grant awarded by:     Visegrad Fund
Term:                         2019-2020

SGS-2018-042 - The Application of Quantitative Methods in Economics
Principal Investigator: doc. RNDr. Mikuláš GANGUR, Ph.D.
Grant awarded by:     ZČU
Term:                         2018-2020

SGS-2019-004 - Use of tools of marketing mix in businesses of service
Principal Investigator: doc. Ing. Petr JANEČEK, Ph.D.
Grant awarded by:     ZČU
Term:                         2019-2020

SVK1-2020-011 - Business Trends 2020
Principal Investigator: Ing. Jan BRČÁK
Grant awarded by:     ZČU
Term:                         2020-2020

SGS-2019-003 - Optimization of the user interface and outputs of the internet tool for statistical processing of risk factors via the SAFMEA method
Principal Investigator: Ing. Petr ČÍŽEK, M.A., Ph.D.
Grant awarded by:     ZČU
Term:                         2019-2020

SGS-2017-004 - Finance and Sustainable Development from the Perspective of Theory and Practice
Principal Investigator: Ing. Alena PALACKÁ, Ph.D.
Grant awarded by:     MŠMT
Term:                         2017-2019

SGS-2017-013 - Applications of new approaches to marketing and management
Principal Investigator: doc. PaedDr. Ludvík EGER, CSc.
Grant awarded by:     ZČU
Term:                         2017-2019

SVK1-2019-021 - XB-NOC International academic conference “Opportunities and threats for present business economics in a cross-border comparison 2019”
Principal Investigator: Ing. Tomáš CHLOPČÍK
Grant awarded by:     ZČU
Term:                         2019

SVK1-2019-020 - Beeronomics 2019 International Scientific Conference
Principal Investigator: Ing. Olga MARTINČÍKOVÁ SOJKOVÁ, Ph.D.
Grant awarded by:     ZČU
Term:                         2019

GA16-02760S - Productivity of Farms, Demand for Food, and Food Security in Central and Eastern European Countries
Principal Investigator: prof. Ing. Ján POKRIVČÁK, M.S., Ph.D.
Grant awarded by:     GA ČR
Term:                         2016-2018

SGS-2017-007 - Business environment as a factor of regional development
Principal Investigator: doc. PaedDr. Jaroslav DOKOUPIL, Ph.D.
Grant awarded by:     ZČU
Term:                         2017-2018

SVK1-2018-010 - Business Trends 2018 – section for students of doctoral study programs
Principal Investigator: Ing. Adam FAIFR, Ph.D.
Grant awarded by:     ZČU
Term:                         2018-2018

TD03000343 - Ecohydrological management of urban landscape microstructures
Principal Investigator: doc. RNDr. Jan KOPP, Ph.D.
Grant awarded by:     TA ČR
Term:                         2016-2017

SGS-2016-034 - Current trends in the management of organisations and in entrepreneurship
Principal Investigator: doc. Ing. Petra TAUŠL PROCHÁZKOVÁ, Ph.D.
Grant awarded by:     ZČU
Term:                         2016-2017

SGS-2016-057 - The Application of Quantitative Methods to Economy Problems
Principal Investigator: doc. RNDr. Mikuláš GANGUR, Ph.D.
Grant awarded by:     ZČU
Term:                         2016-2017

SVK1-2017-005 - Workshop for doctoral study program students with a focus on economics and management
Principal Investigator: Ing. Jarmila IRCINGOVÁ, Ph.D.
Grant awarded by:     ZČU
Term:                         2017

SVK1-2017-012 - International academic conference “Opportunities and threats for current business economics in cross-border comparison 2017”
Principal Investigator: doc. Ing. Dita HOMMEROVÁ, Ph.D., MBA
Grant awarded by:     ZČU
Term:                         2017

GA15-20405S - Modelling of processes on financial markets and prediction of firm default by real options
Principal Investigator: doc. RNDr. Ing. Ladislav LUKÁŠ, CSc.
Grant awarded by:     GA ČR
Term:                         2015-2016

Visegrad Fund 31410020 - Innovative entrepreneurship education - necessary precondition for future prosperity of V4 region
Principal Investigator: doc. PaedDr. Dana EGEROVÁ, Ph.D.
Grant awarded by:     Visegrad Fund
Term:                         2014-2016

SGS-2015-023 - Use of modern technologies in promotion
Principal Investigator: doc. Ing. Petr JANEČEK, Ph.D.
Grant awarded by:     ZČU
Term:                         2015-2016

SGS-2015-004 - Research impact of the flagship projects on the economic development of cities and regions on the example of the European capitals of culture
Principal Investigator: doc. RNDr. Jiří JEŽEK, Ph.D.
Grant awarded by:     ZČU
Term:                         2015-2016

SGS-2015-021 - Development of financial management approaches as a tool of company value growth
Principal Investigator: doc. Ing. Michaela KRECHOVSKÁ, Ph.D.
Grant awarded by:     ZČU
Term:                         2015-2016

SGS-2015-019 - The Impacts of Current Legal, Tax, Accounting and Social Changes on Private Businesses and Public Sector in the Context of Recodification of Private Law
Principal Investigator: Ing. Pavlína HEJDUKOVÁ, Ph.D.
Grant awarded by:     ZČU
Term:                         2015-2016

SGS-2015-026 - The research of factors affecting share price movement, prediction of share price movement and design of algorithms for self-acting trading
Principal Investigator: Ing. Pavla ŘÍHOVÁ, Ph.D.
Grant awarded by:     ZČU
Term:                         2015-2016

SVK1 - 2016 - 022 - Business Trends 2016 – section for students of doctoral study programs
Principal Investigator: Ing. Mgr. Radka SOUČKOVÁ
Grant awarded by:     ZČU
Term:                         2016-2016

378 - Trading-up the Bohemian-Bavarian grant territory Goal 3 – empiricism and measures
Principal Investigator: doc. Ing. Dita HOMMEROVÁ, Ph.D., MBA
Grant awarded by:     ESF
Term:                         2014-2015

CZ.1.07/1.3.47/02.0005 - Innovation and modernization in the compulsory and optional school physical education
Principal Investigator: doc. Ing. Dita HOMMEROVÁ, Ph.D., MBA
Grant awarded by:     MŠMT
Term:                         2013-2015

TD020279 - Innovation potential of the Pilsen Region – stimulus for strengthening the territorial cohesion of the Pilsen urban area and border regions
Principal Investigator: doc. PaedDr. Jaroslav DOKOUPIL, Ph.D.
Grant awarded by:     TA ČR
Term:                         2014-2015

TD020254 - Effect of cross-border cooperation on the regional development of the Czech borderland
Principal Investigator: doc. PaedDr. Jaroslav DOKOUPIL, Ph.D.
Grant awarded by:     TA ČR
Term:                         2014-2015

TD020323 - Strategic planning of municipalities, towns and regions: challenges, problems, possibilities how to solve them
Principal Investigator: doc. RNDr. Jiří JEŽEK, Ph.D.
Grant awarded by:     TA ČR
Term:                         2014-2015

21410134 - V4 Scientific Centers for the Enhancement of Financial Literacy and Entrepreneurship Education
Principal Investigator: doc. Ing. Michaela KRECHOVSKÁ, Ph.D.
Grant awarded by:     Visegrad Fund
Term:                         2014-2015

SGS-2014-040 - Modern practices in innovation, entrepreneurship and company management
Principal Investigator: doc. Ing. Petra TAUŠL PROCHÁZKOVÁ, Ph.D.
Grant awarded by:     ZČU
Term:                         2014-2015

SGS-2014-047 - Quantitative modelling and expriments for general business economics
Principal Investigator: JUDr. Ing. David MARTINČÍK, Ph.D.
Grant awarded by:     ZČU
Term:                         2014-2015

SVK1-2015-012 - “Mathematic methods in the economy” Conference – section for doctoral study students
Principal Investigator: Ing. Jarmila IRCINGOVÁ, Ph.D.
Grant awarded by:     ZČU
Term:                         2015

č. 305 - Motivation of the tourism industry in the Czech-Bavarian border region
Principal Investigator: doc. Ing. Dita HOMMEROVÁ, Ph.D., MBA
Grant awarded by:     ESF
Term:                         2012-2014

100173881 - Cross-border comparative research of the motor skills of children of younger school years – pilot study
Principal Investigator: doc. Ing. Dita HOMMEROVÁ, Ph.D., MBA
Grant awarded by:     MMR
Term:                         2014-2014

21310155 - Festival of Science as a platform for intensifying cooperation between V4 region universities
Principal Investigator: doc. Ing. Michaela KRECHOVSKÁ, Ph.D.
Grant awarded by:     Visegrad Fund
Term:                         2013-2014

SGS-2013-040 - Paradigm of Development in the 21st Century and its Impact on the Behavior of Economic Entities
Principal Investigator: doc. Ing. Michaela KRECHOVSKÁ, Ph.D.
Grant awarded by:     ZČU
Term:                         2013-2014

SGS-2013-063 - Opportunities and potential of use of modern technologies in retail
Principal Investigator: Ing. Jan PETRTYL, Ph.D.
Grant awarded by:     ZČU
Term:                         2013-2014

SGS-2014-053 - Evaluation of spatial differentiation of socioeconomic activities in the Pilsen Region
Principal Investigator: doc. RNDr. Marie NOVOTNÁ, CSc.
Grant awarded by:     ZČU
Term:                         2014

SVK1-2013-017 - Business Trends 2014 – section for students of doctoral study programs
Principal Investigator: doc. Ing. Petr JANEČEK, Ph.D.
Grant awarded by:     ZČU
Term:                         2014-2014

SVK1-2014-002 - International academic conference “Opportunities and threats for current business economics in a cross-border comparison 2014”
Principal Investigator: doc. Ing. Dita HOMMEROVÁ, Ph.D., MBA
Grant awarded by:     ZČU
Term:                         2014-2014

Development & Educational projects

2021-1-CZ01-KA220-HED-000031187 - Sustainable Development Goals in education and in action!
Faculty Researcher:   doc. Ing. Petra TAUŠL PROCHÁZKOVÁ, Ph.D.
Grant awarded by:     ESF
Term:   2022-2024

MK-1808-01-2324 - Forensic Accounting, Fraud Examination and Sustainable Development
Faculty Researcher:   doc. Ing. Michaela KRECHOVSKÁ, Ph.D.
Grant awarded by:     MŠMT
Term:   2023-2024

PRVA-24-018 - New Act on Accounting - interpretation of the legal standard with applications
Faculty Researcher:   doc. Ing. Jana HINKE, Ph.D.
Grant awarded by:     MŠMT
Term:   2024-2024

PRVA-23-047 - Innovation of existing and creation of new courses in fields of quantitative methods and accounting at the Faculty of Economics
Faculty Researcher:   Ing. Olga MARTINČÍKOVÁ SOJKOVÁ, Ph.D.
Grant awarded by:     MŠMT
Term:   2023

PRVA-23-017 - Strenghtening media literacy
Faculty Researcher:   doc. Ing. Michal MIČÍK, Ph.D.
Grant awarded by:     MŠMT
Term:   2023-2023

CE1324 - CerDee: Creative entrepreneuership in ceramic regions – developing, educating, encouraging
Faculty Researcher:   Ing. Jan TLUČHOŘ, Ph.D.
Grant awarded by:     ESF
Term:   2019-2022

DF/SU/09/16 - Schengen internal border: perception of impact of the measure against Covid-19 in the Czech-Bavarian borderland
Faculty Researcher:   RNDr. Jiří PREIS, Ph.D.
Grant awarded by:     ESF
Term:   2021-2022

IDEG-2021-002 - Stability of preferences, beliefs, and behavior in strategic and non-strategic situations
Faculty Researcher:   Ing. Olga MARTINČÍKOVÁ SOJKOVÁ, Ph.D.
Grant awarded by:     ESF / MŠMT
Term:   2021-2022

PRVA-22-035 - A creation and innovation of study materials for selected subjects of FEK in online environment
Faculty Researcher:   Ing. et Ing. Jiří PEŠÍK
Grant awarded by:     MŠMT
Term:   2022-2022

PRVA-22-025 - Creation and innovation of study aids for selected subjects of follow-up study FEK
Faculty Researcher:   doc. Ing. Martin JANUŠKA, Ph.D.
Grant awarded by:     MŠMT
Term:   2022-2022

CZ.03.1.48/0.0/0.0/17_084/0009726 - From the school responsibly to the labour market II.
Faculty Researcher:   Ing. Jan TLUČHOŘ, Ph.D.
Grant awarded by:     ESF / MŠMT
Term:   2018-2020

VS-20-011 - Innovation of study materials for Master Study programme
Faculty Researcher:   RNDr. Jiří PREIS, Ph.D.
Grant awarded by:     MŠMT
Term:   2020-2020

192 - The goal of the EÚS cross-border cooperation CZ-BAV: Growth of student competencies – improvement of chances on the job market in the Czech-Bavarian border areas.
Faculty Researcher:   doc. Ing. Dita HOMMEROVÁ, Ph.D., MBA
Grant awarded by:     ESF / MŠMT
Term:   2017-2019

CZ.02.2.69/0.0.0/16_015/0002287 - Automatically generated parameterized tasks for teaching the Statistical data processing course
Faculty Researcher:   doc. RNDr. Mikuláš GANGUR, Ph.D.
Grant awarded by:     ESF / MŠMT
Term:   2019-2019

VS-19-020 - Creation of new subjects leading to an attractive study offer at FEK
Faculty Researcher:   doc. Ing. Petr JANEČEK, Ph.D.
Grant awarded by:     MŠMT
Term:   2019-2019

VS-19-018 - Innovation in Teaching by Incorporating Games
Faculty Researcher:   doc. Ing. Martin JANUŠKA, Ph.D.
Grant awarded by:     MŠMT
Term:   2019-2019

VS-19-028 - Innovation of FEK seminars for bachelor’s and master’s theses
Faculty Researcher:   Ing. Hana KUNEŠOVÁ, Ph.D.
Grant awarded by:     MŠMT
Term:   2019-2019

VS-19-005 - Creation of study materials for economic geography and management of health resorts and the hotel industry
Faculty Researcher:   RNDr. Martin KEBZA, Ph.D.
Grant awarded by:     MŠMT
Term:   2019-2019

VS-18-042 - Support of the pedagogic work of academic staff via creation of university textbooks
Faculty Researcher:   Ing. Pavla ŘÍHOVÁ, Ph.D.
Grant awarded by:     MŠMT
Term:   2018-2018

VS-18-013 - Student excursions and field work as a teaching method
Faculty Researcher:   RNDr. Jiří PREIS, Ph.D.
Grant awarded by:     MŠMT
Term:   2018-2018

VS-18-040 - Involvement of students in the creation of content for FEK’s academic subjects
Faculty Researcher:   Ing. Pavlína HEJDUKOVÁ, Ph.D.
Grant awarded by:     MŠMT
Term:   2018-2018

VS-18-027 - Innovation of selected subjects of doctoral studies in the context of implementation of the Economics and Management doctoral study program
Faculty Researcher:   doc. PaedDr. Dana EGEROVÁ, Ph.D.
Grant awarded by:     MŠMT
Term:   2018-2018

VS-17-021 - Creation and innovation of selected FEK subjects with regard to current trends
Faculty Researcher:   doc. Ing. Petr JANEČEK, Ph.D.
Grant awarded by:     MŠMT
Term:   2017-2017

VS-17-022 - Innovation and preparation of a new doctoral study program for the credit system of study
Faculty Researcher:   prof. Ing. Lilia DVOŘÁKOVÁ, CSc.
Grant awarded by:     MŠMT
Term:   2017-2017

VS-17-020 - Support of the pedagogic work of academic staff via creation of university textbooks
Faculty Researcher:   doc. Ing. Martin JANUŠKA, Ph.D.
Grant awarded by:     MŠMT
Term:   2017-2017

VS-16-020 - Innovation and profiling of FEK’s study subjects
Faculty Researcher:   doc. Ing. Jana HINKE, Ph.D.
Grant awarded by:     MŠMT
Term:   2016-2016

VS-16-031 - Innovation of instrument equipment for field work done by geography students
Faculty Researcher:   doc. RNDr. Jan KOPP, Ph.D.
Grant awarded by:     MŠMT
Term:   2016-2016

CRP 13+ - CRP 13+ Support for educating doctoral students and the career growth of post-doctoral students
Faculty Researcher:   doc. Ing. Petra TAUŠL PROCHÁZKOVÁ, Ph.D.
Grant awarded by:     MŠMT
Term:   2016-2016

6PUM2016 - Startitup with UWB
Faculty Researcher:   doc. Ing. Petra TAUŠL PROCHÁZKOVÁ, Ph.D.
Grant awarded by:     MŠMT
Term:   2016-2016

VS-15-027 - Innovation of selected FEK subjects with regard to the internationalization of study
Faculty Researcher:   Ing. Lenka ŠIMONOVÁ
Grant awarded by:     MŠMT
Term:   2015-2015

VS-15-015 - Support of the pedagogic work of FEK academic staff
Faculty Researcher:   doc. Ing. Petra TAUŠL PROCHÁZKOVÁ, Ph.D.
Grant awarded by:     MŠMT
Term:   2015-2015

VS-15-029 - Support of practical teaching focus of selected subjects of the Faculty of Economics
Faculty Researcher:   Ing. Jarmila IRCINGOVÁ, Ph.D.
Grant awarded by:     MŠMT
Term:   2015

POST-DOC-14 - POST-DOC-14 – Entrepreneurship, intellectual capital and other selected elements of entrepreneurship and the possibilities of their development
Faculty Researcher:   doc. Ing. Petra TAUŠL PROCHÁZKOVÁ, Ph.D.
Grant awarded by:     MŠMT
Term:   2014-2014

VS-14-037 - Innovation of selected FEK subjects with regard to current requirements
Faculty Researcher:   Ing. Lenka ŠIMONOVÁ
Grant awarded by:     MŠMT
Term:   2014-2014

Other projects

1/0328/21 - Post-pandemic business management: identifying temporary and sustainable changes in sequential and parallel management functions in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic
Faculty Researcher:   Ing. Marta NOSKOVÁ, Ph.D.
Term:   2023-2023

Summer School HOMO ECONOMICUS 2021
Faculty Researcher:   Ing. Jarmila IRCINGOVÁ, Ph.D.
Term:   2021

Summer School HOMO ECONOMICUS 2020
Faculty Researcher:   Ing. Jarmila IRCINGOVÁ, Ph.D.
Term:   2020

Summer School HOMO ECONOMICUS 2019
Faculty Researcher:   Ing. Jarmila IRCINGOVÁ, Ph.D.
Term:   2019

Completion of a mid-term evaluation of the Pilsen Metropolitan Area Strategy ITI’s implementation
Faculty Researcher:   Ing. Jarmila IRCINGOVÁ, Ph.D.
Term:   2019

Processing of the Dolní Poohří Region Destination Agencies strategy document for the years 2019-2022
Faculty Researcher:   Ing. Jan TLUČHOŘ, Ph.D.
Term:   2018

Summer School HOMO ECONOMICUS 2018
Faculty Researcher:   Ing. Jarmila IRCINGOVÁ, Ph.D.
Term:   2018

Support of the foundation of innovative companies
Faculty Researcher:   doc. Ing. Jiří VACEK, Ph.D.
Term:   2018

Project evaluation; Strategic planning development in Moldavia
Faculty Researcher:   doc. RNDr. Jiří JEŽEK, Ph.D.
Term:   2017

06 - Summer School HOMO ECONOMICUS 2017
Faculty Researcher:   Ing. Jarmila IRCINGOVÁ, Ph.D.
Term:   2017

PUM2017 - Pilsen business mixer with the University of West Bohemia
Faculty Researcher:   doc. Ing. Petra TAUŠL PROCHÁZKOVÁ, Ph.D.
Term:   2017-2017

KÚPK 016ZU00006 - Summer School HOMO ECONOMICUS 2016
Faculty Researcher:   Ing. Pavla ŘÍHOVÁ, Ph.D.
Term:   2016-2016

5 - Winter Entrepreneurship School for students of all University of West Bohemia faculties
Faculty Researcher:   Ing. Jarmila IRCINGOVÁ, Ph.D.
Term:   2015

06 - Analyses for the Pilsen Region in 2015
Faculty Researcher:   Ing. Jarmila IRCINGOVÁ, Ph.D.
Term:   2015

Faculty Researcher:   Ing. Lenka ŠIMONOVÁ
Term:   2015-2015

3PUM2015 - Joint semester course between economy students at the University of West Bohemia in Pilsen and Marquette University, Milwaukee, USA
Faculty Researcher:   doc. Ing. Petra TAUŠL PROCHÁZKOVÁ, Ph.D.
Term:   2015-2015

04 - Analyses for the Pilsen Region in 2014
Faculty Researcher:   Ing. Jarmila IRCINGOVÁ, Ph.D.
Term:   2014

06PUM2014 - Analysis of promotional materials for the City of Pilsen
Faculty Researcher:   Ing. Jan TLUČHOŘ, Ph.D.
Term:   2014

20PUM2014 - Summer School HOMO ECONOMICUS
Faculty Researcher:   Ing. Lenka ŠIMONOVÁ
Term:   2014-2014