Vynikající studenti převzali stipendia

Research and Development

Research activities at the Faculty of Economics are related to scientific area Economics and Business (FORD 50200). Also, the branch Social and Economic Geography (FORD 50700) is being successfully developed there. Both developed scientific areas create good conditions for multibranch excellence intensification. With their outputs the Faculty long-standing ranks to above-average research organizations in the scope of their activities. Faculty have stable supportive environment of staff members, rising quality and performance in research outputs, firm established doctoral study programme in Czech and English and relevant spectrum of internal and international research projects. Ph.D. students significantly participate as authors or co-authors of publication outputs of the Faculty of Economics.

Four research teams are active at the Faculty at the present. Three of them are active in the area Economics and Business, the fourth one is focused on Social and Economic Geography issues. Faculty of Economics organize regularly international scientific conferences Business Trends and XB-CON, which is indexed in WoS. Valuable reviewed scientific articles are published in own scientific journal Business Trends. Research activities are supported by cooperation with numerous Czech and foreign Universities, the Faculty is open to scientific cooperation with external subjects, primarily with public institutions.

Faculty of Economics, besides accredited doctoral study programme offers associated professor degree and professor proceedings.

Research teams