Creation of study materials for economic geography and management of health resorts and the hotel industry

Principal Investigator: RNDr. Martin KEBZA, Ph.D.
Project Number:VS-19-005
Grant awarded by:MŠMT


Two publications will be created within the project – an interactive online atlas created in an open-source environment (A1) and a university textbook entitled “Marketing Management of Health Resort Businesses” (A2). A1: Thematically, the atlas will be oriented towards services, primarily retail, the tourism industry, and the development of transport infrastructure. The atlas will be created in order to innovatively present information that is not usually available in one place. The project will be created in two phases – first, collection of necessary data will take place and the second phase will involve their insertion directly into the map layer. The resulting atlas will be publicly available, and therefore it will be of service not only to students of the Faculty of Economics (primarily in the subject KGE/EG3) but also the general public. A2: The Marketing Management of Health Resort Businesses university textbook will be completed in two phases: research of information, information collection (health resort businesses and their representatives) and the creation of the textbook’s content.