Spa Research Centre

Principal Investigator: Ing. Jan TLUČHOŘ, Ph.D.
Project Number:CZ.10.01.01/00/22_001/0000261
Grant awarded by:ESF


The main objective of the project is to build an environment and infrastructure for the implementation of scientific research activities in the field of spa and balneology with high application potential and the prospect of a significant contribution to the economic growth of the Karlovy Vary Region.
The implementation of the project also pursues secondary objectives, which logically follow the overall aim of the project, including in particular:
- Creation of new jobs in research for the inhabitants of the region.
- Increasing the attractiveness of the Karlovy Vary Region as a destination for health tourism through effective marketing and promotion of new research results and innovations in the field of spa and balneology.
- Increasing the knowledge and competences of the region's inhabitants through targeted educational programmes, especially in the field of spa and balneology.
The Faculty of Economics is responsible for the socio-economic section of the project.