Research projects | Development & Educational projects | Other projects | Completed List of Projects
Research projects | Development & Educational projects | Other projects | Completed List of Projects
Research projects
CZ.10.01.01/00/22_001/0000261 - Spa Research Centre |
Principal Investigator: Ing. Jan TLUČHOŘ, Ph.D. |
Grant awarded by: ESF |
Term: 2024-2027 |
101131728 - BEAGLE - Blue Oceans Strategy for Value Creation |
Principal Investigator: doc. Ing. Michaela KRECHOVSKÁ, Ph.D. |
Grant awarded by: Horizon Europe - European Commission |
Term: 2024-2026 |
GA24-12255S - Understanding the behavior in collective action problems: behavioral and experimental approach |
Principal Investigator: Ing. Jaromír KOVÁŘÍK, Ph.D. |
Grant awarded by: GA ČR |
Term: 2024-2026 |
TQ01000074 - Digitization of project management teaching using the concept of serious games, virtual and augmented reality with regard to current business needs |
Principal Investigator: doc. Ing. Martin JANUŠKA, Ph.D. |
Grant awarded by: TA ČR |
Term: 2023-2026 |
TQ01000007 - Young people as actors in the future development of towns and cities |
Principal Investigator: doc. RNDr. Jiří JEŽEK, Ph.D. |
Grant awarded by: TA ČR |
Term: 2023-2026 |
SGS-2024-007 - Transformation of business economics and management through digitalization and sustainability |
Principal Investigator: Ing. Eva JELÍNKOVÁ, Ph.D. |
Grant awarded by: ZČU |
Term: 2024-2026 |
SGS-2024-030 - Research on quantitative approaches for economic problems solving |
Principal Investigator: Ing. Zdeněk KRESA |
Grant awarded by: ZČU |
Term: 2024-2026 |
SGS-2024-031 - Current challenges and trends in the tourism and services sector |
Principal Investigator: doc. Ing. Petr JANEČEK, Ph.D. |
Grant awarded by: ZČU |
Term: 2024-2026 |
CZ.01.01.01/06/23_014/0001333 - Knowledge transfer for product innovation focused on process analysis and optimization |
Principal Investigator: doc. Ing. Martin JANUŠKA, Ph.D. |
Grant awarded by: ESF |
Term: 2023-2025 |
22410207 - Innovation of the education process towards implementing AI tools |
Principal Investigator: doc. PaedDr. Ludvík EGER, CSc. |
Grant awarded by: Visegrad Fund |
Term: 2024-2025 |
SGS-2023-007 - Current Challenges and Problems of Modern Society from the Perspective of Finances and Accounting |
Principal Investigator: Ing. Mgr. Jan POKORNÝ |
Grant awarded by: ZČU |
Term: 2023-2025 |
SGS-2023-003 - Research on selected topics from the field of marketing and management in the context of the development of a digital society in post Covid-19 period |
Principal Investigator: doc. PaedDr. Ludvík EGER, CSc. |
Grant awarded by: ZČU |
Term: 2023-2025 |