Ing. Jan TLUČHOŘ, Ph.D.
Deputy Head of Department of Marketing, Trade and Services Lecturer of Department of Marketing, Trade and Services Co-worker of Centre for Regional Development Research Co-worker of Centre of Project Activities | | | ||
phone | 377633366 (Cheb), 3316 (Plzeň) | |
room | CD205, UK524 |
Research and Development
Research projects
- [2024-2027] CZ.10.01.01/00/22_001/0000261 - Spa Research Centre
- [2024-2026] SGS-2024-031 - Current challenges and trends in the tourism and services sector (co-investigator)
- [2021-2023] SGS-2021-020 - Changes in Economics and Marketing of Tourism (co-investigator)
- [2020-2023] TL03000377 - Use of economic and social potential of cultural heritage through educational and touristic products on the example of historic trusses
- [2019-2022] TL02000373 - Optimizing the use of real estate in the municipalities property (co-investigator)
- [2019-2022] TL02000423 - System of Support for Marketing Decision Making (co-investigator)
- [2019] SVK1-2019-021 - XB-NOC International academic conference “Opportunities and threats for present business economics in a cross-border comparison 2019” (co-investigator)
- [2019-2020] TL02000055 - Effective marketing as a tool to ensure the competitiveness and sustainable development of non-profit organizations providing social services (co-investigator)
- [2018-2020] TITSMMR702 - Prediction of future challenges of towns and cities with a population of up to 15,000 and foresight of related trends (co-investigator)
- [2017] SVK1-2017-012 - International academic conference “Opportunities and threats for current business economics in cross-border comparison 2017” (co-investigator)
- [2017-2019] SGS-2017-013 - Applications of new approaches to marketing and management (co-investigator)
- [2015-2016] SGS-2015-023 - Use of modern technologies in promotion (co-investigator)
- [2014-2016] Visegrad Fund 31410020 - Innovative entrepreneurship education - necessary precondition for future prosperity of V4 region (co-investigator)
- [2014-2014] SVK1-2013-017 - Business Trends 2014 – section for students of doctoral study programs (co-investigator)
- [2014-2014] SVK1-2014-002 - International academic conference “Opportunities and threats for current business economics in a cross-border comparison 2014” (co-investigator)
- [2014-2015] 378 - Trading-up the Bohemian-Bavarian grant territory Goal 3 – empiricism and measures (co-investigator)
- [2014-2015] TD020323 - Strategic planning of municipalities, towns and regions: challenges, problems, possibilities how to solve them (co-investigator)
- [2013-2014] SGS-2013-063 - Opportunities and potential of use of modern technologies in retail (co-investigator)
Development projects
- [2019-2019] VS-19-005 - Creation of study materials for economic geography and management of health resorts and the hotel industry (co-investigator)
- [2019-2022] CE1324 - CerDee: Creative entrepreneuership in ceramic regions – developing, educating, encouraging
- [2018-2018] VS-18-040 - Involvement of students in the creation of content for FEK’s academic subjects (co-investigator)
- [2018-2020] CZ.03.1.48/0.0/0.0/17_084/0009726 - From the school responsibly to the labour market II.
- [2017-2019] 192 - The goal of the EÚS cross-border cooperation CZ-BAV: Growth of student competencies – improvement of chances on the job market in the Czech-Bavarian border areas. (co-investigator)
- [2015-2015] VS-15-015 - Support of the pedagogic work of FEK academic staff (co-investigator)
- [2015] VS-15-029 - Support of practical teaching focus of selected subjects of the Faculty of Economics (co-investigator)
Other projects
- [2019] Completion of a mid-term evaluation of the Pilsen Metropolitan Area Strategy ITI’s implementation (co-investigator)
- [2018] Processing of the Dolní Poohří Region Destination Agencies strategy document for the years 2019-2022
- [2015] 06 - Analyses for the Pilsen Region in 2015 (co-investigator)
- [2014] 04 - Analyses for the Pilsen Region in 2014 (co-investigator)
- [2014] 06PUM2014 - Analysis of promotional materials for the City of Pilsen