
<< [2021] >> | Full period

Research projects

TL03000377 - Use of economic and social potential of cultural heritage through educational and touristic products on the example of historic trusses
Principal Investigator: Ing. Jan TLUČHOŘ, Ph.D.
Grant awarded by:     TA ČR
Term:                         2020-2023

SS03010080 - Interdisciplinary approaches to efficient rainwater management on development sites of urban areas in the economic, social and environmental context
Principal Investigator: doc. RNDr. Jan KOPP, Ph.D.
Grant awarded by:     TA ČR
Term:                         2021-2023

TL03000527 - Internal and external peripheries in the regional development of the Czech Republic - from genetic determination to territorial cohesion
Principal Investigator: doc. PaedDr. Jaroslav DOKOUPIL, Ph.D.
Grant awarded by:     TA ČR
Term:                         2020-2023

SGS-2021-009 - Social preferences and dishonesty: experimental approach
Principal Investigator: Ing. Olga MARTINČÍKOVÁ SOJKOVÁ, Ph.D.
Grant awarded by:     ZČU
Term:                         2021-2023

SGS-2021-017 - Innovative and sustainable approaches and methods in business, projects and processes
Principal Investigator: Ing. Eva JELÍNKOVÁ, Ph.D.
Grant awarded by:     ZČU
Term:                         2021-2023

SGS-2021-020 - Changes in Economics and Marketing of Tourism
Principal Investigator: doc. Ing. Petr JANEČEK, Ph.D.
Grant awarded by:     ZČU
Term:                         2021-2023

SGS-2021-032 - Sustainability of Retail in Czech Rural Regions
Principal Investigator: Ing. Hana KUNEŠOVÁ, Ph.D.
Grant awarded by:     ZČU
Term:                         2021-2023

SGS-2021-022 - Financial (stock) markets, modeling and prediction of behavior
Principal Investigator: Ing. Jan BRČÁK
Grant awarded by:     ZČU
Term:                         2021-2023

SGS-2020-026 - Economic and financial transformation in the context of digital society
Principal Investigator: Ing. Alena PALACKÁ, Ph.D.
Grant awarded by:     MŠMT
Term:                         2020-2022

GA19-18080S - Food supply chains: impact of concentration, unfair trade practices, regulations and changing consumer preferences
Principal Investigator: prof. Ing. Ján POKRIVČÁK, M.S., Ph.D.
Grant awarded by:     GA ČR
Term:                         2019-2022

TL02000373 - Optimizing the use of real estate in the municipalities property
Principal Investigator: doc. Ing. Jan PAŠEK, Ph.D.
Grant awarded by:     TA ČR
Term:                         2019-2022

TL02000423 - System of Support for Marketing Decision Making
Principal Investigator: doc. Ing. Petr JANEČEK, Ph.D.
Grant awarded by:     TA ČR
Term:                         2019-2022

SGS-2020-015 - Research in selected areas of management and marketing of organizations in the context of demographic and technological changes
Principal Investigator: doc. PaedDr. Dana EGEROVÁ, Ph.D.
Grant awarded by:     ZČU
Term:                         2020-2022

TL02000060 - Availability of drinking water for the inhabitants of small municipalities as an indicator of the socio - economic development
Principal Investigator: Ing. Pavlína HEJDUKOVÁ, Ph.D.
Grant awarded by:     TA ČR
Term:                         2019-2021

TL02000136 - Knowledge-intensive services sector adaptation to the conditions of Society 4.0
Principal Investigator: prof. Ing. Lilia DVOŘÁKOVÁ, CSc.
Grant awarded by:     TA ČR
Term:                         2019-2021

SGS-2019-007 - Position of companies in the global production network and its impact on regional development and political attitudes of voters
Principal Investigator: Mgr. Martin LEPIČ
Grant awarded by:     ZČU
Term:                         2019-2021

Development & Educational projects

CE1324 - CerDee: Creative entrepreneuership in ceramic regions – developing, educating, encouraging
Faculty Researcher:   Ing. Jan TLUČHOŘ, Ph.D.
Grant awarded by:     ESF
Term:   2019-2022

DF/SU/09/16 - Schengen internal border: perception of impact of the measure against Covid-19 in the Czech-Bavarian borderland
Faculty Researcher:   RNDr. Jiří PREIS, Ph.D.
Grant awarded by:     ESF
Term:   2021-2022

IDEG-2021-002 - Stability of preferences, beliefs, and behavior in strategic and non-strategic situations
Faculty Researcher:   Ing. Olga MARTINČÍKOVÁ SOJKOVÁ, Ph.D.
Grant awarded by:     ESF / MŠMT
Term:   2021-2022

Other projects

Summer School HOMO ECONOMICUS 2021
Faculty Researcher:   Ing. Jarmila IRCINGOVÁ, Ph.D.
Term:   2021