
<< [2017] >> | Full period

Research projects

SGS-2017-004 - Finance and Sustainable Development from the Perspective of Theory and Practice
Principal Investigator: Ing. Alena PALACKÁ, Ph.D.
Grant awarded by:     MŠMT
Term:                         2017-2019

SGS-2017-013 - Applications of new approaches to marketing and management
Principal Investigator: doc. PaedDr. Ludvík EGER, CSc.
Grant awarded by:     ZČU
Term:                         2017-2019

GA16-02760S - Productivity of Farms, Demand for Food, and Food Security in Central and Eastern European Countries
Principal Investigator: prof. Ing. Ján POKRIVČÁK, M.S., Ph.D.
Grant awarded by:     GA ČR
Term:                         2016-2018

SGS-2017-007 - Business environment as a factor of regional development
Principal Investigator: doc. PaedDr. Jaroslav DOKOUPIL, Ph.D.
Grant awarded by:     ZČU
Term:                         2017-2018

TD03000343 - Ecohydrological management of urban landscape microstructures
Principal Investigator: doc. RNDr. Jan KOPP, Ph.D.
Grant awarded by:     TA ČR
Term:                         2016-2017

SGS-2016-034 - Current trends in the management of organisations and in entrepreneurship
Principal Investigator: doc. Ing. Petra TAUŠL PROCHÁZKOVÁ, Ph.D.
Grant awarded by:     ZČU
Term:                         2016-2017

SGS-2016-057 - The Application of Quantitative Methods to Economy Problems
Principal Investigator: doc. RNDr. Mikuláš GANGUR, Ph.D.
Grant awarded by:     ZČU
Term:                         2016-2017

SVK1-2017-005 - Workshop for doctoral study program students with a focus on economics and management
Principal Investigator: Ing. Jarmila IRCINGOVÁ, Ph.D.
Grant awarded by:     ZČU
Term:                         2017

SVK1-2017-012 - International academic conference “Opportunities and threats for current business economics in cross-border comparison 2017”
Principal Investigator: doc. Ing. Dita HOMMEROVÁ, Ph.D., MBA
Grant awarded by:     ZČU
Term:                         2017

Development & Educational projects

192 - The goal of the EÚS cross-border cooperation CZ-BAV: Growth of student competencies – improvement of chances on the job market in the Czech-Bavarian border areas.
Faculty Researcher:   doc. Ing. Dita HOMMEROVÁ, Ph.D., MBA
Grant awarded by:     ESF / MŠMT
Term:   2017-2019

VS-17-021 - Creation and innovation of selected FEK subjects with regard to current trends
Faculty Researcher:   doc. Ing. Petr JANEČEK, Ph.D.
Grant awarded by:     MŠMT
Term:   2017-2017

VS-17-022 - Innovation and preparation of a new doctoral study program for the credit system of study
Faculty Researcher:   prof. Ing. Lilia DVOŘÁKOVÁ, CSc.
Grant awarded by:     MŠMT
Term:   2017-2017

VS-17-020 - Support of the pedagogic work of academic staff via creation of university textbooks
Faculty Researcher:   doc. Ing. Martin JANUŠKA, Ph.D.
Grant awarded by:     MŠMT
Term:   2017-2017

Other projects

Project evaluation; Strategic planning development in Moldavia
Faculty Researcher:   doc. RNDr. Jiří JEŽEK, Ph.D.
Term:   2017

06 - Summer School HOMO ECONOMICUS 2017
Faculty Researcher:   Ing. Jarmila IRCINGOVÁ, Ph.D.
Term:   2017

PUM2017 - Pilsen business mixer with the University of West Bohemia
Faculty Researcher:   doc. Ing. Petra TAUŠL PROCHÁZKOVÁ, Ph.D.
Term:   2017-2017