Research projects | Development & Educational projects | Other projects | Completed List of Projects
Research projects | Development & Educational projects | Other projects | Completed List of Projects
Development & Educational projects
2021-1-CZ01-KA220-HED-000031187 - Sustainable Development Goals in education and in action! |
Faculty Researcher: doc. Ing. Petra TAUŠL PROCHÁZKOVÁ, Ph.D. |
Grant awarded by: ESF |
Term: 2022-2024 |
CE1324 - CerDee: Creative entrepreneuership in ceramic regions – developing, educating, encouraging |
Faculty Researcher: Ing. Jan TLUČHOŘ, Ph.D. |
Grant awarded by: ESF |
Term: 2019-2022 |
DF/SU/09/16 - Schengen internal border: perception of impact of the measure against Covid-19 in the Czech-Bavarian borderland |
Faculty Researcher: RNDr. Jiří PREIS, Ph.D. |
Grant awarded by: ESF |
Term: 2021-2022 |
IDEG-2021-002 - Stability of preferences, beliefs, and behavior in strategic and non-strategic situations |
Faculty Researcher: Ing. Olga MARTINČÍKOVÁ SOJKOVÁ, Ph.D. |
Grant awarded by: ESF / MŠMT |
Term: 2021-2022 |
PRVA-22-035 - A creation and innovation of study materials for selected subjects of FEK in online environment |
Faculty Researcher: Ing. et Ing. Jiří PEŠÍK |
Grant awarded by: MŠMT |
Term: 2022-2022 |
PRVA-22-025 - Creation and innovation of study aids for selected subjects of follow-up study FEK |
Faculty Researcher: doc. Ing. Martin JANUŠKA, Ph.D. |
Grant awarded by: MŠMT |
Term: 2022-2022 |