Innovative entrepreneurship education - necessary precondition for future prosperity of V4 region

Hlavní řešitel na FEK: doc. PaedDr. Dana EGEROVÁ, Ph.D.
Číslo projektu:Visegrad Fund 31410020
Poskytovatel:Visegrad Fund
Období řešení:2014-2016


The project is focused on entrepreneurship education in V4 countries. The main aim of the project is to support development of innovative entrepreneurship education. The core of the project is research situation analysis of entrepreneurship education in V4 countries with focus on higher education and identification of innovative entrepreneurship education programmes and initiatives. The project brings together multiple stakeholders who play key role in facilitating entrepreneurship education.

Project partners:
Slovak University of Agriculture in Nitra (SK)
Szent István University, Gödöllő (HU)
Poznan School of Banking (PL)
The State School of Higher Education in Oświęcim (PL)