Festival of Science as a platform for intensifying cooperation between V4 region universities

Hlavní řešitel na FEK: doc. Ing. Michaela KRECHOVSKÁ, Ph.D.
Číslo projektu:21310155
Poskytovatel:Visegrad Fund
Období řešení:2013-2014


Project Coordinator:
Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava, Institute of Industrial Engineering and Quality, Faculty of Materials Science and Technology in Trnava

University of Zielóna Góra
University of West Bohemia
University of Miskolc, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Information Technology

The main project feature is to establish a basis for active V4 scientific cooperation using best practice exchange and knowledge transfer. It is an opportunity for linking academic and business institutions from V4 countries that will ensure collaboration in research, education and increased international mobility of university teachers and students. It will also contribute to the popularisation of science for professionals and public and ensure continuation of activities to the future.

Implementation period is from 01.09.2013 to 31.08.2014.

More information: http://www.mtf.stuba.sk/english/institutes/institute-of-industrial-engineering-management-and-quality/research-and-development/international-projects/international-projects-year-2013/international-visegrad-fund-no-21310155-festival-of-science-as-a-platform-for-intensifying-coop.html?page_id=10236


    Monografické publikace
    • Krechovská, M.; Dvořáková, L.; Srchová, M. Innovation in Industrial Companies - Corporate Social Responsibility in Logistics Processes of the Supply Chain. Trnava : Slovak university of technology in Bratislava, 2015. ISBN 978-80-89708-02-4.